Source code for kuha_client.kuha_import

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Author(s): Toni Sissala
# Copyright 2020 Finnish Social Science Data Archive FSD / University of Tampere
# Licensed under the EUPL. See LICENSE.txt for full license.
"""Callable module serves as entry point to import records from DocumentStore.

Example run from command line. Import records from /some/path::

    python -m kuha_client.kuha_import --document-store-url=http://localhost:6001/v0 /some/path

Print help::

    python -m kuha_client.kuha_import -h

import sys
import os

from kuha_common import cli_setup
from kuha_common.document_store.records import COLLECTIONS

from kuha_client.kuha_client import BatchProcessor

[docs]def import_run(paths, file_log_path=None, **kwargs): r"""Import run with arguments. :param paths: Lookup source files from paths. :param file_log_path: Path to file log. :param \*\*kwargs: Additional keyword arguments get passed to BatchProcessor. :returns: 0 on success. :rtype: int """ if file_log_path: with BatchProcessor.with_file_log(file_log_path, **kwargs) as processor: processor.import_run(paths) return 0 processor = BatchProcessor(**kwargs) processor.import_run(paths) return 0
[docs]def cli(): """Parse command line arguments. Call :func:`import_run`. :returns: Return value of :func:`import_run` """ cli_setup.load(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), prog='python -m kuha_client.kuha_import', description='Submit DDI-C files to document store for import.', config_file='kuha_client.ini') cli_setup.add_document_store_url(cli_setup.settings.parser, required=True) cli_setup.add('--collection', type=str, action='append', help=('Specific collection to process. If not given, will process all collections. ' 'Repeatable argument.'), choices=COLLECTIONS) cli_setup.add('--file-log-path', type=str, default=None, help=('Path where to load and store file timestamps for comparing ' 'on subsequent runs. Leave unset to submit all found records.')) cli_setup.add('--source-file-type', type=str, default=BatchProcessor.SOURCEFILETYPE_DDIC, choices=BatchProcessor.get_supported_sourcefiletypes(), help=('Source file types used for import. Note that all files found from paths ' 'must have same type.')) cli_setup.add('paths', nargs='+', help=('Paths to look for files. May be a directory or a file. ' 'Repeatable argument.')) settings = cli_setup.setup( cli_setup.MOD_DS_CLIENT, cli_setup.MOD_LOGGING ) return import_run(settings.paths, collections=settings.collection, file_log_path=settings.file_log_path, sourcefiletype=settings.source_file_type)
if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(cli())