Kuha Document Store application
Persist records into a MongoDB instance. Control records via HTTP API.
Main entry point for starting Document Store server.
- kuha_document_store.serve.get_app(api_version, **kw)[source]
Setup routes and return initialized Tornado web application.
Additional keyword arguments are passed to WebApplication.
- Parameters
api_version (str) – HTTP Api version gets prepended to routes.
- Returns
Tornado web application.
- Return type
- kuha_document_store.serve.main()[source]
Application main function.
Parse commandline for settings. Initialize database and web application. Start serving via
. Exit on exceptions propagated at this level.- Returns
exit code, 1 on error, 0 on success.
- Return type
Define handlers for responding to HTTP-requests.
- class kuha_document_store.handlers.BaseHandler(*args, **kwargs)[source]
BaseHandler to derive from.
Provides common methods for subclasses.
- Note
use from a subclass
- assert_body_not_empty(msg=None)[source]
Assert that request body contains data.
is raised if body is empty.- Parameters
msg (str) – Optional message for exception.
- Raises
if body is empty.
- class kuha_document_store.handlers.RestApiHandler(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Handle requests to REST api.
- async get(collection, resource_id=None)[source]
HTTP-GET to REST api endpoint.
Respond with single record or multiple records, depending on whether
is requested.- Note
Results will be streamed.
- Parameters
- Raises
if there are recoverable errors in database operation. The error message is passed to BadRequest. See:kuha_document_store.database.DocumentStoreDatabase.recoverable_errors
- Raises
if requested resource_id does not return results.
- async post(collection, resource_id=None)[source]
HTTP-POST to REST api endpoint.
Create new resource from data submitted in request body.
- Parameters
collection (str) – collection type to create.
resource_id (str or None) – receives resource_id for completeness in handler configuration. It is however a
if one is submitted.
- Raises
if request contains resource_id or if database operations raise recoverable errors. See:kuha_document_store.database.DocumentStoreDatabase.recoverable_errors
- async put(collection, resource_id=None)[source]
HTTP-PUT to REST api endpoint.
Replace existing resource with data in request body.
- Parameters
collection (str) – collection type to replace.
resource_id (str or None) – resource ID to replace. Optional for completeness in handler configuration. It is however a
if not submitted.
- Raises
if requested endpoint does not contain resource_id or if database operation raises one ofkuha_document_store.database.DocumentStoreDatabase.recoverable_errors
- Raises
if resource_id returns no results.
- async delete(collection, resource_id=None)[source]
HTTP-DELETE to REST api endpoint.
Delete resource or all resources of certain type.
- Parameters
- Raises
if database operation raises one ofkuha_document_store.database.DocumentStoreDatabase.recoverable_errors
- Raises
if resoure_id returns no results.
- class kuha_document_store.handlers.QueryHandler(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Handle request to query endpoint.
- Note
Results will be streamed.
Database module provides access to MongoDB database.
MongoDB Database is accessed throught this module.
The module also provides convenience methods for easy access
and manipulation via Document Store records defined in
Database can be used directly, via records or with JSON representation of records.
- note
This module has strict dependency to
- class kuha_document_store.database.Collection(name, validators, indexes_unique, indexes, isodate_fields, object_id_fields)
- indexes
Alias for field number 3
- indexes_unique
Alias for field number 2
- isodate_fields
Alias for field number 4
- name
Alias for field number 0
- object_id_fields
Alias for field number 5
- validators
Alias for field number 1
- kuha_document_store.database.mongodburi(host_port, *hosts_ports, database=None, credentials=None, options=None)[source]
Create and return a mongodb connection string in the form of a MongoURI.
The standard URI connection scheme has the form: mongodb://[username:password@]host1[:port1][,…hostN[:portN]]][/[database][?options]]
- Parameters
- Returns
MongoURI connection string.
- Return type
- kuha_document_store.database.bson_to_json(collection, _dict)[source]
Encode BSON dictionary to JSON.
Encodes special type of dictionary that comes from MongoDB queries to JSON representation. Also converts datetimes to strings.
- class kuha_document_store.database.Database(name, reader_uri, editor_uri)[source]
MongoDB database.
Provides access to low-level database operations. For fine access control uses two database credentials, one for read-only operations, one for write operations. Chooses the correct credentials to authenticate based on the operation to be performed.
- Note
Does not authenticate or connect to the database before actually performing operations that need connecting. Therefore connection/authentication issues will raise when performing operations and not when initiating the database.
- Parameters
settings (
) – settings for database connections- Returns
- async query_single(collection_name, query, fields=None, callback=None)[source]
Query for a single database document.
- Parameters
- Returns
A single document or None if no matching document is found. or if callback is given.
- Return type
dict or None
- async query_multiple(collection_name, query, callback, fields=None, skip=0, sort_by=None, sort_order=1, limit=0)[source]
Query for multiple database documents.
- Note
has mandatory callback parameter.
- Parameters
collection_name (str) – Name of database collection.
query (dict) – Database query filter.
callback (callable) – Result callback. Called with each document as parameter.
fields (list or None) – Fields to select. None selects all.
skip (int) – Skip documents from the beginning of query.
sort_by (str) – Sort by field.
sort_order (int) – Sort by ascending or descending order. MongoDB users 1 to sort ascending -1 to sort descending.
limit (int) – Limit the number of returning documents. 0 returns all documents.
- async query_distinct(collection_name, fieldname, filter_=None)[source]
Query for distinct values in collection field.
- async insert_or_replace(collection_name, query, document)[source]
Insert or replace a single document in database.
Uses special MongoDB method which will replace an existing document if one is found via query. Otherwise it will insert a new document.
- class kuha_document_store.database.DocumentStoreDatabase(collections, **kwargs)[source]
Subclass of
Provides specialized methods extending the functionality of
. Combines database operations with properties of RecordsCollection. Defines exceptions that, when raised, the HTTP-response operation can continue.- recoverable_errors = (<class 'pymongo.errors.WriteError'>, <class 'json.decoder.JSONDecodeError'>, <class 'bson.errors.InvalidId'>, <class 'kuha_document_store.validation.RecordValidationError'>)
These are exceptions that may be raised in normal database operation, so they are not exceptions that should terminate the HTTP-response process. As such, the caller may want to catch these errors.
- static json_decode(json_object)[source]
Helper method for converting HTTP input JSON to python dictionary.
- async query_multiple(collection_name, query, callback, **kwargs)[source]
Query multiple documents with callback.
Converts resulting BSON to JSON. Calls callback with each resulting record JSON.
- async query_by_oid(collection_name, oid, callback, fields=None, not_found_exception=None)[source]
Query single record by ObjectID with callback.
Converts BSON result to JSON. Calls the callback with resulting JSON. If parameter for not_found_exception is given, will raise the exception if query ObjectID points to no known database object.
- async query_distinct(collection_name, fieldname, filter_=None)[source]
Query for distinct values in collection field.
If fieldname points to a leaf node, returns a list of values, if it points to a branch node, returns a list of dictionaries.
If fieldname points to leaf node of isodate representations, or to branch node that contains isodates, converts datetimes to datestamps which are JSON serializable.
If ‘fieldname’ points to a leaf node containing MongoDB ObjectID values, cast those values to string.
- Note
Requires changes to logic if collection.object_id_fields should contain paths with multiple components, for example ‘some.path.with.id’. In that case distinct queries that point to brach nodes with OIDs will fail with Exception TypeError: ObjectId(’…’) is not JSON serializable.
- Note
Distinction will not work as expected on datestamp-fields that are stored as signed 64-bit integers with millisecond precision. The returned datestamps are not as precise since they have second precision.
- Parameters
- Returns
distinct values from database
- Return type
- async insert_json(collection_name, json_object)[source]
Insert JSON-encoded document to Database.
Special method that takes a JSON object that is then inserted to database.
- async replace_json(collection_name, oid, json_object, not_found_exception)[source]
Replace JSON-encoded document in Database.
Special method that replaces a document in database with document given as parameter json_object. The document to be replaced is queried by given oid.
This method also takes a not_found_exception as mandatory parameter. The exception is raised if a document with given oid cannot be found.
- Note
if the submitted JSON does not contain metadata for the document. the metadata gets calculated by
- Parameters
- Returns
Update result.
- Return type
- kuha_document_store.database.db_from_settings(settings)[source]
Instantiate DocumentStoreDatabase from loaded settings
settings: loaded settings :returns: Instance of DocumentStoreDatabase :rtype:DocumentStoreDatabase
Simple validation for dictionary representation of document store records.
Validate study record dictionary:
>>> from kuha_common.document_store.records import Study
>>> from kuha_document_store.validation import validate
>>> validate(Study.get_collection(), Study().export_dict(include_metadata=False))
Traceback (most recent call last):
def validate(collection, document, raise_error=True, update=False):
kuha_document_store.validation.RecordValidationError: ('Validation of studies failed',
{'study_number': ['null value not allowed']}
- class kuha_document_store.validation.RecordValidator(*args, **kwargs)[source]
to customize validation.JSON does not support sets. Therefore a rule to validate list items for uniquity is needed.
For the sake of simplicity in raising and handling validation errors this class also overrides
.- validate(document, **kwargs)[source]
Handle unvalidated _id-field here to simplify error message flow and enable validation messages.
If document is to be updated it is allowed to have an _id field. If document is being inserted it is an error to have an _id field.
- exception kuha_document_store.validation.RecordValidationError(collection, validation_errors, msg=None)[source]
Raised on validation errors.
- Parameters
- Returns
- class kuha_document_store.validation.RecordValidationSchema(record_class, base_schema, *args)[source]
Create validation schema from records in
to validate user-submitted data.Schema items are built dynamically by consulting record’s field types.
For single value fields the type is string and null values are not accepted.
For localizable fields it is required to have a
attribute.Field attributes are strings and they may be null.
Subfield values are strings and not nullable.
Fallback to string, not null.
Record’s metadata is accepted as input but not required.
- Note
are also validated at database level.- Seealso
Every dynamically built schema item may be overriden by a custom schema item given as a parameter for class constructor.
- Parameters
record_class (
) – class which holds record attributes.*args – Custom schema items to override dynamically built schema items.
- Returns
- kuha_document_store.validation.validate(rec_val_schema, document, raise_error=True, update=False)[source]
Validate document against collection schema.
- :param
rec_val_schema: Record validation schema to validate against.
- Parameters
document (dict) – Document to validate. Document is a dictionary representation of a document store record.
raise_error (bool) – Should a
be raised if validation fails.update (bool) – Validate for an update/replace operation of an existing record?
- Returns
True if document passed validation, False if fails.
- Return type
- Raises
if raise_error is True and document fails validation.
- :param
Admin operations to setup and manage Kuha Document Store database.
Initial setup:
python -m kuha_document_store.dbadmin initiate_replicaset setup_database setup_collections setup_users
Setup empty database into an existing replicaset:
python -m kuha_document_store.dbadmin setup_database setup_collections setup_users
- kuha_document_store.dbadmin.operations.OperationsSetup
alias of
- kuha_document_store.dbadmin.operations.DEFAULT_ARBITER_INDEX = -1
Set -1 to make comparison to int more simple.